Privacy Policy

The purpose of this privacy policy is to provide you with information concerning the processing of personal data when using Meetsy dating app. Personal data within the meaning of the US General Data Protection Regulation (hereinafter: CCPA) are all information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person, e.g., name, address, email address, etc.

1. Description of the data processing

Meetsy dating app is committed to respecting and safeguarding your privacy and the security of your personal information in compliance with applicable laws and CCPA.

In this Privacy Policy, we explain which personal information we collect, how we collect it, and for what purposes. This means, among other things, that we:

  • explain in detail the categories of personal information we collect and how we collect it;
  • clearly state for what purposes and on what legal basis we process personal information;
  • strive to limit the collection of personal information to those needed for legitimate purposes only;
  • implement appropriate security measures to protect your personal information, and demand the same of parties processing personal information on our instructions;
  • Respect your right to request access to and a copy of your personal information and have it corrected or deleted, among other rights you have as further described below.
  • 2. Data subject

    The data subject is You who use our services because you are identifiable natural person based on the personal information you have provided to Meetsy.

    3. The source from where we Meetsy receives the personal information

    Meetsy receives personal data of the data subjects in two ways.

    3.1 Directly from the data subjects (You).

    You can share your personal information with us in a number of ways, for instance by:

  • communicating with our customer service by e-mail, in writing;
  • registering a profile;
  • purchasing service on the App;
  • cookies placed by Meetsy or third parties on your mobile device when you visit our App and accept the cookies.
  • 4. Why do we collect your personal information?

    When you choose to register a profile, or otherwise contact us, we will ask you for some personal information about you, as well as some optional information about you. The main purposes for which we use your personal information are:

  • to communicate with you in a personal way, such as responding to your feedback or service requests and register and settle complaints;
  • to manage and maintain your profile on the App
  • to execute an agreement, such as completing transactions, administering and fulfilling your purchases related to our services;
  • to send status updates and service communications;
  • to send out notifications when changes are made to our policies and other (legal) documents which might concern you;
  • to check the validity of chargebacks;
  • to comply with legal obligations.
  • 5. Legal bases of the data processing

    Meetsy will only process your personal information where we have a legal basis to do so. The processing of your personal information and their legal bases are the following:

    5.1 Meetsy processes your personal information necessary for the performance of a contract with you, or to prepare entering a contract with you at your request namely if you use our services on the App or in the Application.

    5.2 Meetsy processes your personal information (such as processing IP-addresses) necessary for legitimate interests pursued by Meetsy to prevent, detect and/or respond to fraud, abuse of our App and/or storing additional information to be able to identify You when losing access to your account.

    5.3 Meetsy processes your personal information necessary to comply with a legal obligation (for example, due to fiscal regulation we need to retain certain customer data).

    5.4 Meetsy processes certain personal information in relation to the services on the App based your consent. You have the right to withdraw consent at any time, without affecting the lawfulness of processing based on consent before its withdrawal.

    5.5 Meetsy processes certain personal information in relation to chargeback requests. This is necessary for legitimate interests pursued by Meetsy to be able to decide the validity of chargeback request of users of the App.

    6. Purpose of the data processing, the categories of the personal data and period for which the personal data will be stored

    6.1 Personal data processed for the purpose of providing service to you.

    6.1.1 When you register on the App the strictly necessary personal information to create an account / profile username and an email address, photos, gender, seeking gender, height, and location.

    6.1.2 Please be aware that if you do not provide the necessary information Meetsy will not be able to provide its services to you.

    6.1.3 In order to be able for you to use every aspect of our service to the fullest you are encouraged to fill out your profile as thoroughly as possible during which you can provide additional personal data (photos and videos).

    6.1.4 The email address you provide during account registration will not be visible or otherwise available to other users. We nonetheless encourage all of our members and users to create an anonymous separate email account. This will help secure your privacy when using this App.

    6.1.6 When you pay via the App, the Company, and sites other than the card processor cannot access your bank account or credit card number. Meetsy does not store any credit card sensitive information.

    6.1.7 We provide areas on our app where you can post information about yourself and others and communicate with others or upload content such as photographs and videos (“User Contributions”). Such postings are governed by our Terms of Service. You post and transmit your User Contributions to others at your own risk.

    6.1.8 Your personal data will be stored until we provide service to you and you do not request the deletion of your profile. Please be aware that we do not delete your profile just because your subscription has ended.

    6.2.2 Your personal data will be processed for these purposes until you request the deletion of your personal data or until the purposes are fulfilled / but for a maximum of two years.

    6.3 Personal data processed for the purpose of fraud prevention

    6.3.1 In order to give you secure and reliable services, we need to be able to identify fraudulent or fake profiles so that you will not be victim of scammers, therefore Meetsy operates fraud prevention on the App.

    6.3.2 For fraud prevention Meetsy needs to monitor certain characteristics of a profile (such as IP address) and communication between users of the site, however this is done in a secure way. The profiles and communication will be analyzed by algorithms based on criteria to identify fraud and in case no indication of fraud is detected the communication will be encrypted and sent to the addressee of the communication where only the addressee can decrypt it. All communication between you and other users of the App is stored encrypted. In case there is no indication of fraud Meetsy will not be able to see your communications. In case the fraud prevention algorithms detect fraud the communication will be flagged and sent to our fraud prevention officer to investigate the profile and the communication. If the fraud prevention officer establishes with high degree of certainty that the profile attempted fraud, then Meetsy will take the necessary action to counter it.

    6.4 Personal data processed for the purpose of legal obligations

    6.4.1 Meetsy, to fulfil its legal (fiscal) obligations, has to process your personal data which is necessary to identify your purchases (subscriptions) which include transaction ID, payment details, banking details and Client ID.

    6.4.2 Your personal data processed for fulfilling the legal obligations will be processed for 10 years.

    7. Disclosure and Transfer of personal data

    7.1 We may share your personal information with third party service providers or agents (called ‘processors’) to perform certain processing activities on our behalf, such as parties involved in executing a purchase agreement (such as payment service providers, customer services or fraud prevention). We will not sell, rent, lease, or provide your personal information to third parties allowing them to use your personal information for their own purposes. We use third party service providers for app hosting, for payment processing, customer service and fraud prevention. Meetsy is fully responsible for all the processors.

    7.2 Meetsy may sell (whole or part) of its business to another company. Such transfer of ownership may include the transfer of your personal information to the new owner. Meetsy will notify you before such a transfer occurs.

    7.3 Furthermore, we will release your personal information if so required by law, where necessary for preventing or combating fraud, where necessary for dispute resolution, or for any other pressing legitimate need which under the circumstances must outweigh your privacy interests, which may include the security of our business and the safety of our staff.

    7.4 If you arrive at our App via our marketing partners and register a profile on Meetsy, then after your registration we provide additional anonymized information for accounting purposes to the marketing partner which contributed to your registration.

    8. Your Rights

    8.1 Based on the request of the data subject (You) in writing or by electronic means Meetsy will provide you with the following information:

  • what information we are processing about you,
  • purpose of the data processing,
  • the recipients or categories of recipient to whom the personal data have been or will be disclosed,
  • duration of the data processing,
  • your rights.
  • 8.2 We are here to assist you if you have any complaints regarding the processing of your personal information. See available data protection authorities here.

    8.3 When making your request, please specify the personal information you wish to change or if you want it to be removed from our database. For security reasons, we can only process requests related to the email address used for the request and may require identity verification. We will make every effort to fulfill your request promptly.

    8.5 We may need to keep some information for recordkeeping or to finalize ongoing transactions, even if you request a change or deletion.

    9. Cookie policy

    9.1 When you visit our app, your phone stores cookies. These cookies are tiny text files that your browser saves on your device to retain specific information. The next time you revisit our app using the same device, the stored cookie information will be transmitted either to our app ("First Party Cookie") or to another app associated with the cookie ("Third Party Cookie").

    9.2 By utilizing the stored and retrieved information, the app acknowledges your previous access and visits using the browser on your device. We leverage this data to ensure that the app is designed and displayed in an optimal manner that aligns with your preferences.

    10. Other provisions

    10.1 In case Meetsy modifies the Privacy Policy, it will publish it on the App and inform the data subjects about the modification in an email and on the App with pop up messages.

    10.2 Should Meetsy process the personal data of the data subjects for a different purpose than for which it was provided Meetsy will inform the data subjects prior to such a new processing activity.

    10.3 Should Meetsy disclose the personal data of the data subjects with other recipients then it will inform the data subjects when it is first disclosed.